This is default featured slide 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

work from home jobs uk no experience

Work from Home Jobs uk no experience

Work from Home Jobs are beneficial in many ways from regular full time jobs. Some times our family conditions restricts us to work full time. In many cases Work from Home Jobs option is good when you are living at a remote location. In some cases when you are not in a position to move away from home, especially in case of pregnancy or some other illness, Work from home jobs without investment and registration fees option is more preferable ones. Work from Home Jobs option is also suitable when you wants to earn some extra money along with your full time work or full time jobs.

Today everyone is looking towards a better life style. It is well known fact that for a better life style, money is one of the main factors. For getting money you have to work means you have to stand your own business or you can do jobs for others. There are many types of works in market, out of which one can easily choose. Few of them require money, few of them require qualification, few of them require experience and few of them requires skill.

Now a day’s many people are looking for some part time work, or you can say they want some extra income from part time activities. They want to earn while being at home, or at study or even when they got time during their full time job or full time work. There are many options for part time work or you can say for extra income.

The most people are looking for some work that can be done at their home or from their work place; they are not willing to travel, because of any reason. The best and the most popular choice is something online. Something that do not require physical moment, that can give money or reward by working from home.

There are many options to work online. You can do online data entry work, you can write articles, you can do blogging, and there are many more fields in which you can work. You can choose any one of these activities if you want to work online.

Working online gives us a new vision and broad spectrum of possibilities. You just have to pick right one for you. Let us discuss few of area in which one can work as onlineworker.

Work from Home Jobs : Multi Level Marketing
You can earn without any investment and registration fees in many MLM schemes .Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) is not a new concept in market. The main concept is the profit on sales is not of your own sale but your group or network sale also add some value to your profit. The members of your group are known as down line and you are as up line. Similarly the further members of your down line also have down line of their own. Here the company sells its products through direct selling concept.

How to Join MLM Schemes

In some MLM schemes entry is free , while some MLM Schemes asks you to buy a kit from them. After joining you have to promote and use products of the company in yourcircle, this will generate income for you. And in the next step, you have to make your network of people, means you have to add people in your network as down line. As these members will promote and use products for themselves and promote few products , they will get income and you also will be rewarded. And similarly they can make their own network and so on.

Work from Home Jobs : Blogging
How to earn from Blogging
The term blog is
 basically derived from the word web log. Blogging is best and mostly used method to Work from Home Jobs. Few sites offers you free services for blogging. You have to just make your account on the site and you can choose a name for your blog. You can write articles of your choice, theses articles will be available online to people worldwide through internet. Once your blog gets enough popularity, you can put advertisements on your blog. For this many sites are offering services, one of them is Google ad sense, you can create Google adsense account.

Blogging requires your knowledge and interest in the area in which you wants to blog. The content of the blog should be unique so that you can get enough traffic to your blog. Blogging is the easiest way of making money online.

Great ways to Work from Home Jobs

Work from Home Jobs : Earn money Online Teaching
You can also earn online by teaching online. This is also one of the popular way to Work from Home. In online teaching you can teach whatever you want to teach. At few places students wants to learn online, they wants to clear their doubts from teachersonline. The main benefit to students in this case is they can learn from a teacher that is far from his place, they can learn from the teacher who is abroad. As the time is changing day by day the need and type of educations is also changing, so it is the demand of time to learn and teach online. Few sites are offering this facility. You have to simply create your profile on any of these sites and set your course there.

Work from Home Jobs : Earn by Selling Online

If you looking for Work from Home Jobs then this is one best way to work from home. To earn through online selling you can create your web site and can start selling your products online. Y Online selling provides global reach to your business. Anyone who will visit your site can buy products of his needs. If you feel you are not interested in making and maintaining a web site for your business, there are a lot of sites on internet on which you can register as seller. After getting registered you will get sell panel from them, here you can upload images and other details of your products. After that you need not to worry, these sites will promote your products and you easily become onlineseller.

Main Benefit

There are many benefits of online selling
• You need not to open a large store at premium market location.
• You can keep inventory of your listed products at home or at a less expensive place.
• You do not need a lot of salesmen; you just need few persons for packing of products.
• You can get customers from any area of the world.

work from home jobs uk no experience

Work from Home Jobs : Earn by Writing Articles

Writing articles is a creative process, it needs your creativity and interest in the area of writing. This is also good when someone is looking for Work from Home Jobs . As a author you can write your own books and can publish your own books. You need not to go for publishers. just type the contents of your book in any of the word processor like ms-word and get it ready in the form of eBook. Now you have assistance from any ofonline selling websites like flipkart, amazon , ebay etc. You can write technical, non technical books, cookery books, everyday tips books, gardening books, books on nutrition and good health, yoga books, spiritual books, and even fictions books.

You can also get printed copies of your books; there are websites which offer this type of service.

Work from Home Jobs : Online Coding Jobs
This is for those who have taste and experience of coding software programs and projects. As a online coder, you can design and code a software program or project at your own site, test it and then you can sell it online and offline. You can take local projects as well as global projects online. This way of Work from Home Jobs requires technical skills.

The project once coded will give you recurring income means you can sell the same project with minor changes to multiple buyers. In this case main code will be same; you have to just change few lines in the code for your new customer.

Work from Home Jobs : Earn by Photography

This way Work from Home Jobs requires no university degree and no technical skill. You have to learn some basics of photography , you can start earning. If you have taste in photography, you can click photographs of natural sceneries, wild life and many more aspects and can easily sell these photographs online. Few sites are even purchasing your best clicked selfies.
It all depends on your creativity. You need some experience of photography, and good configuration camera.

Best Work from Home Jobs

Work from Home Jobs  : Designing Templates or Themes to Earn Online
This is one more option to work as online as well as offline. This way of Work from Home Jobs also requires technical skills. For this type of work you have to be more creative and must have technical skills. You simply have to design templates for web sites and make it available online for sale. Initially you can try few templates or themes. Just launch your own website and make these templates or themes available. You can also use already existing sites. Just put few themes or templates free and few of them on payment basis. This is also popular among bloggers. You have to take training of html, xml, css , word press and some more web site development related software and tools.

Work from Home Jobs  : Earn Online by Ad Clicking

Earning by clicking ads is easy way to Work from Home Jobs. Requires no technical skills. This is also very popular these days. Some websites are offering this type of way to earn. You just have to register yourself on these sites and you have to click on advertisements on these sites and view these advertisements for few minutes. By this simple method you can earn.
But the main drawback of this type of online earning is that maximum of websites are just scams and which are genuine, they pay very small amount for this work.
The best solution for this problem is choose that websites which provides referral incentives. The websites which provides referral option, pays you for your work as well as for the work your referrals are doing.

work from home jobs uk no experience

Work from Home Jobs : Earn Online By Surveys
In this option, you have to register yourself on any one of these sites and you have to fill survey forms online. Some of these sites are just scams; they take money for registration and pay very less. Before choosing and paying to any one of these web sites, just check the history of these sites. Also discuss about it with your friend circle and others who are already doing this type of work. You can use social networking sites for this.

Wrapping it up

So, these are some work from home jobs uk no experience, you can have idea about various work from home options. Feel free to give your suggestions in comment. Help us to spread this more using social share buttons given below.

Brief Introduction to PHP Programming Language For Beginners

Brief Introduction to PHP Programming Language For Beginners 

Objective of the post Brief Introduction to PHP Programming Language For Beginners   is to provide beginners as well as professionals a ready reckoner of PHP. We will try to provide the necessary knowledge of PHP Programming by this post.

Introduction To PHP Programming Language

   In today's time knowledge of HTML is not enough to develop good webpages.We can develop only static webpages.  But now a days the user need much more than that. User needs that which can virtually interact with it or the website which can communicate as well as fulfill all the demands of the user and also looking dashing page means more decorative page.

   All the above can be possible because of the one major thing that is –“PHP Programming Language

Moreover  Along with PHP you have to gain the knowledge of CSS and Javascript ...
Brief Introduction to PHP  Programming
Brief Introduction to PHP  Programming  For Beginners 


PHP stands for recursive backronym called as hypertext pre-processor.

This is the open source software and it is easily available. PHP stands for hypertext processor. 
PHP is used for creating,designing website. Basically, PHP is a web server-side scripting language. 
In PHP the scripts are executed at the web server and their output comes in requesting browser that may be internet explorer,google etc. 
For executing PHP in system we need web-servor in which we executes apache and sql for using PHP language.
Infact PHP can connect many database engines such as my sql, oracle, postgre, Sqlite etc. 
Now a days PHP is widely used for creating interactive, needed websites  and E-commerce or driven websites are crafting by the use of only PHP
In HTML only structure of website is created and database is not required but in PHP data is stored in database.  

Basically, If I Say PHP Programming is programming which deals with the Server or which do the Server side Scripting.


Server side means  that  when the website fetches and store the date from the web server…  

Now  u can understand   why you  have the need of leaning PHP programming…
Now lets us start talk about  PHP programming…

HISTORY  OF PHP Programming Language

In 1995 these tools were packaged and released as CGI binaries as the "Personal Home Page/Forms Interpreter", which included support for web forms and communication with databases.
Brief Introduction to PHP  Programming
Brief Introduction to PHP  Programming  For Beginners 

  VERSIONS OF PHP Programming Language

                     WHERE TO USE...
*       By using PHP PROGRAMMING we can perform basic opertionslike  create, open, read,                                                      write, and close  files.
*     if you want to modify existing database you can easily create,add,modifyyour database  by using PHP PROGRAMMING.
*    Using PHP PROGRAMMING, you can restrict users to access some pages of your website. 

All PHP code must be included inside one of the three special markup tags :-

 Advantages of PHP Programming Language

# COST EFFECTIVE :-- As PHP is open source and easily available Programing   language. So it  makes Cost effective.

# PLATFORM INDEPENDENT:--   One of the main advantage of PHP Programing is that it can work on any platform whether it is window or it linux or any other.

#RISKLESS :--PHP programing Supports many layers which can supposed to be very riskless.

# EASILY CONNECTS WITH DATABASE :-  One of the essential feature of PHP Programing is that it can support connectivity with all the major database such as MYSOL, PLSQL , ORACLE, ETC….

# GREAT GUI :-- As User Wants much more than Simple user Interface so PHP provides the best Graphical User Interface………….     

Now after reading all the above material  you are ready to go…


<? PHP


The PHP script can be put under body tag or under the head tag. The script start with  <?PHP  and closed with the ?> tag.
Post Contributed By: Shivam Prabhakar, Rudrax and Rashmi.

keyboard shortcuts for ms word

Keyboard Shortcuts for Ms Word

Following are the keyboard shortcuts for ms word

keyboard shortcuts for ms word 1
keyboard shortcuts for ms word


  • Ctrl+N is keyboard shortcut for New Document
  • Ctrl+O is keyboard shortcut for opening a document
  • Ctrl+P is keyboard shortcut to print a Document
  • Ctrl+Z is keyboard shortcut for Undo
  • Ctrl+Y is keyboard shortcut for Redo
  • Ctrl+X is keyboard shortcut to Cut
  • Ctrl+C is keyboard shortcut to Copy
  • Ctrl+V is keyboard shortcut to Paste
  • Ctrl+F is keyboard shortcut to find a word in document
  • Ctrl+G is keyboard shortcut to Go
 Hope this post Keyboard Shortcuts for Ms Word gives you a ready list for keyboard shortcuts.

Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience

Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience

Objective of the post Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience is to provide beginners as well as professionals a ready reckon er of SQL. What are Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience We have tried to enlist here Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience.

 SQL Interview Questions and Answers

SQL Interview Questions and Answers

             Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience

                Explain Group by and Having clause
                What is view? How it is created? How it is destroyed Explain with example

                Explain IN, LIKE and BETWEEN operators with example

                Write features of SQL

                What is foreign key

                What is primary key

                What are constraints? What is there significance?

                Explain any 4 data types in oracle

                Explain implicit cursor and explicit cursor

                Define JOIN

                Define GRANT

                Define REVOKE

                What are sequences? How it is created? How sequences are altered and dropped? Write syntax for each.
                Consider  table name ABC, with column name, job, dept no sal, emp no,comm.
                Write command for following:-
                (a) List name of clerk working in dept no  20;
                (b) List name of employee with emp no 101,150,200,261 using IN operator
                (c ) List name of employee  whose salary is none than 10000
                (d) List name, emp no, sal in ascending orders of salary
                What is oracle engine
                Discuss different section of PL\SQL block? How do you create and execute PL\SQl block
                Define server
                Define data base
                What is significance of index
                Write command to destroy table
                Write full form of SQL
                (a) DBA
                (b) DDL
                Why do we use aliases name
                Define cursors
                Define view
                Define RDBMS

SQL Interview Questions and Answers

 SQL Interview Questions and Answers


                DEFINE PRIMARY KEY.
                WHAT IS EXPLICIT CURSOR.
                DEFINE SYNTAX.
                DEFINE JOIN.
                DEFINE FUNCTION.
                DEFINE VIEW.
                EXPLAIN CURSOR.
                EXPLAIN ANY TWO:-
                (a) ROLLBACK STATEMENT.
                (b) UNION.
                © CREATION OF TABLE.
                DEFINE RDBMS.
                WRITE A PL/SQL CODE FOR INVERTING A NUMBER 3927 TO 7293.
                OF RECORDS ON VIEW.
                DEFINE PL/SQL.

                Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience

                Define PL/SQL
                What are the component of SQL? Explain with example?
                Explain Group  function
                Define TCL
                Explain buffer pool
                Define Select statement
                Define foreign key constraint
                Define cursor
                Explain BLOB and CLOB?
                Discuss DEAD-LOCK?
                Explain the different data constraint in detail in SQL?
                Explain the iterative control in PL/SQL control structure?
                Define loading
                Define EQUI Join and Self Join
               Define Advantages of PL/SQL
                Define  Creation of simple and unique index.
                Explain various features and rules for SQL?
                Explain the step by step installation of ORACLE 8I data server?
                Discuss cursor management? Explain about implicit and explicit in brief?
                Discuss error handling in PL/SQL?
                Explain  Update the contents of a table?
                Explain  Renaming of tables?
               Explain Destroying of tables?
                Explain the various methods of which data can be managed?
                Define SQL
                Define synonym?
                Using the sample student table and branch of student table for solving the queries given below:
                (i) Display the name of all the student along with the percentage of marks and semester>
                Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience
Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience

SQL Interview Questions and Answers 

                Differentiate between view and object view?
                Define Domain Integrity?
                Define locking?
                Define Transaction Control command?
                Steps in invoking SQL*PLUS(any three)
                What is SQL?
                Define DML?
                Define synonym?
                What is group function?
                What are the components of SQL? Explain with example?
                How can duplicate records can be avoided in oracle ? Define the concept or error handling?
                Types of SQL?
                What are composite data types in PL/SQL and what are its advantages?
                Explain partitioning in INDEX and drop database object?
                Explain Join? What are the various types of joins are used in SQL*PLUS(giving syntax of each).
                Explain  the introduction of ORACLE 8i
                What are various privileges and transaction control commands in SQL*PLUS?
                Using the sample employee table and department , table for solving the queries given below:
                Display the name iof all the employee along with job and salary .
                Explain cursor management? What are explicit and implicit cursor?
                Explain the architecture of PL/SQL? What are its advantages?
                Explain Codd Rules
                Explain Packages
                Explain Locking and types of Locking ?

                Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience

                Explain Single Row Functions in SQL*PLUS with the help of example?
                State the restrictions imposed on relations in a relational models?
                Components of ORACLE 8
                What is SQL*PLUS
                What is self join?
                Define exclusive lock?
                What is control functions?
                Define partition view?
                Define database object?
                How are entities and attributes are related to each other?
                What are the components of SQL? Explain with example?
                What are editing commands in SQL*PLUS environment? Explain each of their with example?
                What are the various types of character , numeric and conversion functions available in
                SQL*PLUS. Explain in detail with syntax of each of them?
                Explain RDBMS and its relationship among data?
                What do you mean by integrity constrains in SQL*PLUS? Explain in detail?
                What are subprograms and procedures ? What are the advantages of using subprograms and
                Solve the query :
                List the employee names with the third character as 'R'.
                Explain the architecture of PL/SQL and their advanta\ages?
                State some of the points related to query statement?
                What is the concept of locking? What are the various types of locks used in SQL*PLUS?

                Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience

                What is sql ?describe its various feature.
                Describe the Interactive construct and its types in detail?
                DEFINE GROUP FUNCTION.
                DISCUSS FOREIGN KEY.
                Define PL/SQL.
                WHAT IS IMPLICT CURSOR?
                Define Field?
                EXPLAIN ALTER COMMAND.
                Explain Null value?
                Explain various steps to implement a cursor in SQL?
                Explain any Two:-
                (1)SAVE POINT Statement.,
                (2)REVOKE Command.
                (3)RENAMING Table.
                Explain the different command for modifying the structure of a Table?
                DEFINE UNION.
                Describe the types &characteristics of  views.
                Write a PL/SQL code for inverting number 2488 to 8642.
                Explain different Identifiers and Data types in Oracle?
                Explain the various steps involved in creating a cluster and its table in detail?
                Define various application tools in oracle.
                Define Entity?
                Write the syntax and example of arithmetic and character function.
                DEFINE SEQUENCE.

                Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience

                Where is TCl used?
                What is relation?
                Explain different types of cursors and Database triggers?
                Explain different types data and their usage?
                Explain SQL*PLUS formatting commands?
                Describe locking? What are its types?
                Explain data manipulation commands?
                What do you mean by portability?
                What is TCL?
                What are conversion function in oracle ?
                What are table define commands?
                Explain the use of SQL forms?
                Define RDBMS?
                Define sorting?
                What is view?
                What are duties and responsibilities of  DATA BASE ADMINISTRATOR?
                Explain the concept of data independence?
                Oracle is single user or multi user operating system. COMMENT
                What is the use of JOIN statement?
                What is data security and integrity. How is it achieved in Oracle?
                Explain CODD’S rules?
                Define SQL?

                Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience

                Why NULL not used with relational operators?
                Define sub program?
                Define normalization?
                What is conceptual design?
                What is DML?
                Define domain?
                Define RDBMS?
                Solve the following queries based on  tables given below:
                i) List the name and salary of the employees whose salary is more than 1500
                ii) List the employees details not belonging to the department 10,30,and 40
                iii)List the empno,ename,sal in ascending order of salary
                iv) List the department numbers and of employees in each department.
                V) List the number of employees working with the company
                Define the term attribute?
                Explain different types of set operators available in ORACLE with suitable example?
                Explain the concept of packages in detail. Also write their advantages?
                Explain ERROR HANDLING
                Explain CURSOR MANAGEMENT
                Explain entity- relationship approach of data modeling?
                What are table definition commands? Explain with suitable example?
                Write advantages of PL/SQL?
                Name different table definition commands?
                What is the use of privilege command? Discuss any two of them?
                What do you mean by locking? Discuss its various types?
                Explain the term view? For what purpose a view is created?
                Discuss various control structures available in PL/SQL?
                What is codd's rule?
                What are single row functions? Explain
                Define primary key?

SQL Interview Questions

Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience

              Explain Exclusive lock
               what is a procedure and a package? What are the advantages of using procedures and  package     in      PL/SQL? Give the syntax of writing a package and a procedure in PL/SQL.
                Explain PL/SQL composite data types?
                What are single -row and group functions? give five example both single-row functions and group  functions along with    
               their syntax.
                Explain views
                Explain procedures
                Explain synonyms
                correlated sub query
                Give an example of a sub query that returns several values using SQL
                How can we create sequences and views in ORACLE? Give example along with the syntax
                Group Functions
                What do you mean by cursors? What are the different types of cursors that can be written in
                PL/SQL? Give syntax of each.
                What are the data types of ORACLE?
                How can duplicate records be avoided in ORACLE?
                Give example using SQL for the retrieval with sub query with same table involved?
                What are the various types of character, numeric and conversion functions available in
                SQL*PLUS? Explain in detail with syntax of each of them.
                hat are the various privilege and transaction control commands in SQL*PLUS? Give syntax with
                example of each of them?
                What are PL/SQL composite data types? What are advantages of PL/SQL

                What is the concept of locking? What are the various types of locks used in SQL * PLUS?
                what do you mean by integrity constraints in SQL* PLUS? Explain in detail.
                self join
                write a short note on "introduction to oracle 8i".
                count functions

                Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience

                Explain the various data types used in PL/SQL. Explain their usage
                describe the cursors and database triggers in PL/SQL
                Explain any three numeric functions available in SQL*PLUS
                what is the use of privilege commands? Discuss any two of them
                Explain the term "view" .For what purpose view is created.
                what are single row functions? Explain
                what do you mean by locking? Discuss the various types
                what are table definition commands? Explain with suitable examples
                what is an index? How partition is done in an index. Explain with examples
                what do you mean by multiple sub queries
                Define the term attribute
                enumerate any two control structures using PL/SQL
                What is subprogram?
                what is referential integrity
                What are conversion functions in SQL*PLUS. Illustrate (to-char, to-date) functions.
                Discuss the various formatting commands in SQL*PLUS
                what do you mean by Primary and Secondary Key
                What is Codd's Rule
                Define the term attribute
                what is conceptual design
                why is NULL not used with relational operators
                what is normalization
                what do you mean by one to many relationship
                Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience
                Explain the PL/SQL block structure in oracle.
                Define RDBMS by giving suitable example.
              Explain Oracle and client server technology
              Explain Advantages of PL/SQL
               What is the sequence in oracle? Explain the syntax and purpose of creating a sequence,
                referencing a sequence and dropping a sequence.
                Explain different types of data constraints with example.
                Explain Group Function and Scalar Function in oracle.
                What are various data types used in ORACLE? Explain.
                What is DBA? Define.
                Define Index. Explain various types of indexes. Write syntax with example for creating Index.
                What are the various loops used in oracle? Explain.
                Define DML.
                Define Revoke Privilege.
                Define Tuple.
                Define self Join.
                Explain Pattern matching in oracle with example.
                Define cursors. Explain explicit cursor with example.
                Define SELF JOIN with syntax.
                Define UNION with syntax.
                Define INTERSECT clause with syntax.
                Explain the use of Indexing in oracle.
                Define view. Give suitable example. What is the significance of using a view?
                Name the types of locks used in oracle.
                Define primary key.

                Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience

                what is column command
                what is self join
                define the term subprogram
                What do you understand by term domain?
                write the definition of RDBMS
                Write the advantages of PL/SQL
                What is DML
                what is implicit cursor
                List the privilege commands
                What do you mean by primary key?
                Explain the internal data types?
                Discuss the various control structures available in PL/SQL
                Name different table definition commands
                what are count functions
                Explain different types of set operators available in ORACLE with suitable examples.
                Explain the entity relationship approach of data modeling?
                Explain the cursor management in ORACLE?
                Explain the features of ORACLE
                differentiate between subprograms and procedures in PL/SQL
                Explain error handling in ORACLE
                Write short notes on :
                (1) Formatting Commands
                (2) Tools of ORACLE
                Explain the data manipulation and privilege commands in ORACLE
                Discuss the table commands with
                Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience
                Explain the internal data type.
                discuss the various control structure available in pl/sql.
                Explain different type of set operator. With suitable example.
                Explain error handling in oracle.
                what is implicit cursor?
                Explain the entity relationship approach of data modeling.
                Explain the cursor management in oracle.
                Explain the features of oracle.
                Differentiate between subprograms and procedures in pl/sql.
                Explain the data manipulation and privilege commands in oracle.
                discuss the table commands with suitable example.
                define the term subprogram.
                what is dml
                what do you mean by primary key.
                what is column command?
                write the advantage of pl/sql.
                write the definition of rdbms.
                what do you mean understand by term domain.
                name different table definition commands.
                what are count function?
                what is self join.
                list the privilege commands.

SQL Interview Questions and Answers

 SQL Interview Questions and Answers

                List the name of oracle client tools?
                Define view.
                Write the purpose of Union.
                Difine EQUI JOIN.
                What is an entity?
                Write the purpose of RAVOKE command.
                Define Index.
                What are oracle client tools?
                Describe the meaning of oracle transaction? How procedure of closing a transaction and creating
                Explain syntax of insertion, viewing, deleting and updating of tables in SQL with suitable example.
                Describe 'Having' clause.
                What do you understand by cell length and cell name?
                what do understand by cursor? Explain different type of cursors. How cursors can be
                Parameterized? Explain with examples
                What are the different products that are known as oracle's suit of products? Write purpose of
                each product.
                Explain various Data Types in Oracle.
                What is the purpose of range searching?
                Define primary key.
                What is the significance of Data Constraints? Explain different type of Data  constraints ?How
                data constraints can be defined and dropped in the ALTER TABLE command?
                How PL/SQL is different from SQL? Explain it.
                Explain the Clint Server Architecture in detail with help of neat diagram.
                How SQL performance Tuning can be performed? Explain it.
                What do you understand by RDBMS software? Write down the features of Oracle software.
                What are sequences ? How sequences can be created, altered and  dropped?

                Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience

                Explain with syntax the steps involved in creating a cluster and its table.
                Explain different types of normal forms with suitable example.
                Write PL/SQL code to print first ten odd numbers?
                what are parameterized cursors? Explain.
                What are variables? Explain.
                Explain with an example to create an index?
                Define DELETE command with example?
                Explain architecture of client server?
                What are features of oracle?
                Explain character functions?
                what do you mean by privileges?
                Define oracle engine?
                Write syntax of grant command?
                What do you mean by database tuning?
                what are the uses of functions?
                what are single row functions?
                Differentiate between index and unique index?
                what is difference between DCL and DDL?
                Differentiate between DMBS and Rdbms
                What do you mean by sequence?
                State some dis-advantages of a view?
                Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience
                How pl/sql differs from sql.
                What are the feature of sql.
                what are composite data types of pl/sql.
                what do you mean by cursor? Explain explicit cursor attributes.
                Define sql.
                Explain control statement of pl/sql.
                Define rdbms.
                what are the components of sql.
                write about like and in clause.
                how security can be achieved in oracle.
                Explain group function of sql.
                what is difference between char and varchar2 data type.
                define cursor in pl/sql.
                consider the table employee with column names ecode,ename and salary solve the following .
                1) give ename all the employees.
                2) give ecode and ename of all the employees whose salary is greater than 10000.
                3) give name of all the employees whose city starts from letter 'a'.
                what do you mean by index and Explain unique and composite indexes in detail.
                write a program in pl/sql to print table of a number.
                what is index.
                what do you mean by exception in pl/sql.
                Explain any two number function.
                write syntax of loop.
                define view.
                define primary key.
                define synonym.
                What is not null constraint.

SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience

Top SQL Interview Questions and Answers for 5 Years Experience

                How can duplicate records can be avoided in oracle? Define the concept of error handling.
                Define RDBMS.
                What are the components of SQL? Explain with example.
                Explain Partitioning in index & drop database object.
                Explain the architecture of PL/SQL.
                What are its advantages.
                Explain cursor management , What are implicit & explicit cursor.
                Using the sample employee table & deptt.,table for solving the queries given below:-
                Display the name of all the employees along with job & salary
                What are the various Privilege& transaction control commands in SQL*PLUS?
                Explain join. What are the various types of join are used in SQL*PLUS (giving syntax of each)
                What are the composite data types in PL/SQL and what are its advantages.
                Explain the introduction to oracle 8i?

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