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Top 50 C Programs Asked in Interviews

Top 50 C Programs Asked in Interviews 

 Objective of the post Top 50 C Programs Asked in Interviews is to provide beginners as well as professionals a ready reckoner of popular C programs. What are Top 50 C Programs Asked in InterviewsWe have tried to enlist here Top 50 C Programs Asked in Interviews.

  1. Write a program to print Hello message

  2. Write a program to swap two numbers

  3. Write a program to swap two numbers without using third variable

  4. Write a program to calculate area of a circle

  5. Write a program to convert Fahrenheit temperature into Celsius

  6. Write a program calculate simple interest

  7. Write a program to calculate perimeter of a circle 

  8. Write a program to fine greater out of two number

  9. Write a program to find a number is even or odd  

  10. Write a program to find a number is prime or not

  11. Write a program to find a number is Armstrong or not

  12. Write a program to print roots of a quadratic equation 

  13. Write a program to find greatest out of three numbers

  14. Write a program to print table of a number

  15. Write a program to calculate factorial of a number

  16. Write a program to print first ten natural numbers

  17. Write a program to print first five odd  numbers

  18. Write a program to print prime numbers between 100 and 200

  19. Write a program to print Fibonacci sequence of n terms

  20. Write a program to sum the digits of a number

  21. Write a program to print first and last digits of a number

  22. Write a program to read a one dimensional array of 10 elements and print it in reverse order

  23. Write a program to search an element in a list of elements using  sequential search

  24. Write a program to count the number of occurrences of a character in a string

  25. Write a program to check whether the entered string is palindrome or not

  26. Write a program to search an element in a list of elements using binary search

  27. Write a program to sort a list of elements using bubble sort in ascending order

  28. Write a program to sort a list of elements using insertion sort in ascending order

  29. Write a program to sort a list of elements using selection sort in ascending order

  30. Write a program to sort a list of elements using quick sort sort in ascending order

  31. Write a program to sort a list of elements using heap sort in ascending order

  32. Write a program to sort a list of elements using radix sort in ascending order

  33. Write a program to print a two dimensional array in matrix form

  34. Write a program to print transpose of a matrix.

  35. Write a program to count number of zero elements of a two dimensional array of order 3x3

  36. Write a program to check whether the given two dimensional array of order 3x3 is upper diagonal or not

  37. Write a program to check whether the given two dimensional array of order 3x3 is lower diagonal or not

  38. Write a program to find the trace of a two dimensional array of order 3x3

  39. Write a program to print address of an element stored in memory

  40. Write a program to calculate factorial of a number using functions

  41. Write a program to calculate factorial of a number using recursive functions

  42. Write a program to print table of a number using functions

  43. Write a program to read a file from hard disk.

  44. Write a program to write a string “hello world” to a file

  45. Write a program to generate pascal pyramid

  46. Write a program to generate floyd pyramid

  47. Write a program to print the sum of the series

            1 + 2+ 3 …n terms 
  48.   Write a program to print the sum of the series
           1 + 3+5  …n terms
  49.    Write a program to print the sum of the series
           2+ 4 + 6 …n terms
  50.    Write a program to print the sum of the series
            1 -2+ 3-4 …n terms

Top 50 C Programs Asked in Interviews

101 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions of Oracle

101 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions of Oracle

Objective of the post 101 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions of Oracle  is to provide beginners as well as professionals a ready reckoner of Oracle. What are 101 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions of OracleWe have tried to enlist here 101 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions of Oracle.

There may be more questions other than these. We will try to add them from time to time. We request readers of this post to suggest more latest questions of Oracle-SQL, PL/SQL,which are popular in interviews. 


  1. Define SQL?
  2. Why SQL is known as non procedural language?
  3. What are the components of SQL?
  4. Name any two data types of SQL?
  5. Which data type in SQL is used for date data type.?
  6. Which data type in SQL is used float or Real Numbers?
  7. What is main difference between char and varchar2 data type in SQL?
  8. Which command of SQL is used to create a table in SQL?
  9. Which command of SQL is used to delete structure of a table in SQL?
  10. Which command of SQL is used to alter the structure of a table in SQL?
  11. Write the syntax of Update command in SQL?
  12. Write the syntax of Insert command in SQL?
  13. Write the syntax of Delete command in SQL?
  14. Define Primary key Constraint in SQL?
  15. What is the purpose of Check Constraint in SQL?
  16. Define sub query?
  17. What is used in SQL to query?
  18. Define self join ?
  19. If where is compulsory in select clause ?
  20. How many rows can be appended in a table with a single insert command ?
  21. What is command to give rights to users in SQL?
  22. What is the purpose of revoke command ?
  23. Which clause of SQL is used to arrange the records of a table in ascending order.
  24. What is the purpose of Group by command
  25. Name any two methods for multiple table retrieval in SQL
  26. Define Views
  27. What is the significance of using Views in SQL
  28. What is the other name of Views in SQL
  29. What are the types of Views in SQL
  30. What is the limitations on Views in SQL
  31. Define Sequences
  32. What is the significance of using Sequences in SQL
  33. Define Pseudo Columns in SQL
  34. Define Synonyms
  35. Name any two character functions of SQL
  36. Name any two number functions of SQL
  37. Name any two date functions of SQL
  38. Name any one conversion function of SQL
  39. Name any two Group functions of SQL
  40. What is the purpose of SUM function in SQL
  41. What is the purpose of Count Function in SQL
  42. Name the character function for concatenating two strings in SQL
  43. Name the function to find string length in SQL
  44. Name the function for find the number of days between two dates
  45. Name the function to find square root of a number
  46. Define database triggers
  47. What are the types of triggers in SQL
  48. Define locking
  49. What is the use of where clause
  50. Define Indexes
  51. What are the types of Indexes in SQL
  52. Difference between inner and outer join in SQL
  53. What is the purpose of LIKE in SQL
  54. What is Range searching
  55. What is Pattern matching
  56. Name the function for extracting one string from other string in SQL
  57. Name the function to capitalize initial letter of  a string in SQL
  58. Which command is used to undo transactions in SQL
  59. What is the purpose of savepoints in SQL
  60. What is the full form of PL/SQL
  61. If PL/SQL is non procedural language ?
  62. State one difference between SQL and PL/SQL?
  63. Name any two data types of PL/SQL ?
  64. What is the use of   “%found” in PL/SQL ?
  65. What is the use of   “%notfound” in PL/SQL ?
  66. What is the use of  “%isopen” in PL/SQL ?
  67. What is the use of  “%rowcount” in PL/SQL ?
  68. What is the use of  “%type” in PL/SQL ?
  69. What is the use of  “%rowtype” in PL/SQL ?
  70. Name any two loops of PL/SQL  ?
  71. What is conditional control statement of PL/SQL ?
  72. Define exceptions ?
  73. Name any in built two exceptions of PL/SQL ?
  74. When “Too many rows” exception is raised ?
  75. When “No rows found” exception is raised ?
  76. When “Divide By Zero” exception is raised ?
  77. When “Invalid Cursor” exception is raised ?
  78. Define Procedures ?
  79. Define Functions ?
  80. Define Cursors ?
  81. What are the types of Cursors ?
  82. Name any two Explicit Cursor attributes ?
  83. Name any two Implicit Cursor attributes ?
  84. When “before delete trigger” get fired ?
  85. When “before update trigger” get fired ?
  86. When “after update trigger”  get fired ?
  87. When “after update trigger”  get fired ?
  88. What is the use of  “sql %found” in PL/SQL ?
  89. What is the use of   “sql%notfound” in PL/SQL ?
  90. What is the use of   “sql%isopen” in PL/SQL ?
  91. What is the use of  “sql%rowcount” in PL/SQL ?
  92. Define Packages ?
  93. Define Snapshots ?
  94. Any two advantages of Packages ?
  95. Any five reserve words of PL/SQL?
  96. What is the use of  “set server output on” in PL/SQL ?
  97. What is the use of  “dbms_output.put_line” in PL/SQL ?
  98. Name the command to delete a database trigger in PL/SQL ?
  99. What is the purpose of LPAD  function in SQL ?
  100. What is the purpose of LTRIM function in SQL ?
  101. What are bind variables ?

  • pl/sql interview questions and answers for freshers 
  • oracle faq interview questions
  • 101 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions of Oracle

101 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers in C language

101 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers in C language

Objective of the post 101 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers in C language is to provide beginners as well as professionals a ready reckoner of C language Questions.What are 101 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers in C language? We have tried to enlist here 101 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers in C language.

There may be more questions other than these. We will try to add them from time to time. We request readers of this post to suggest more latest questions of C language, which are popular in interviews. Readers can type questions in comments as well as can send them on our email id "". We will try to put these questions in this list with your name.

  1.  How many bytes a long unsigned type variable  takes in memory in C Language ?
  2. Name any two storage classes of  C Language
  3. What is default storage class for a variable in C Language?
  4. What is the default value for an uninitialized variable in case of automatic storage class in C Language?
  5. What is the default value for an uninitialized variable in case of static storage class in C Language?
  6. What is the default value for an uninitialized variable in case of extern storage class in C Language?
  7. What is the default value for an uninitialized variable in case of register storage class in C Language?
  8. What is the scope of a variable in case of automatic storage class in C Language?
  9. What is the scope of a variable in case of static storage class in C Language?
  10. What is the scope of a variable in case of extern  storage class in C Language?
  11. What is the scope of a variable in case of register storage class in C Language?
  12. What is the keyword for declaring storage class as automatic in C Language?
  13. What is the keyword for declaring storage class as static in C Language?
  14. What is the keyword for declaring storage class as external in C Language?
  15. What is the keyword for declaring storage class as register in C Language?
  16. Who developed C Language?
  17. Name formatted Input Statement of C Language?
  18. Name any two unformatted Input statements of C Language?
  19. Name formatted Output Statement of C Language?
  20. Name any two unformatted Output statements of C Language?
  21. How many keywords are there in C Language?
  22. Name any five keywords of C Language?
  23. Name any two data types of C Language?
  24. Name the data type to declare a variable as integer type in C Language?
  25. Name the data type to declare a variable as char type in C Language?
  26. Name the data type to declare a variable as real/float  type in C Language?
  27. Name the data type to declare a variable as long integer type in C Language?
  28. Name the data type to declare a variable as unsigned integer type in C Language?
  29. Name the data type to declare a variable as double type in C Language?
  30. What is format string to read or write an integer value in C Language?
  31. What is format string to read or write a float value in C Language?
  32. What is format string to read or write a char value in C Language?
  33. What is format string to read or write an unsigned integer value in C Language?
  34. What is format string to read or write a double type value in C Language?
  35. What is format string to read or write a long integer value in C Language?
  36. What is the range of Integers In C Language?
  37. What is the range of char In C Language?
  38. What is the range of real or float In C Language?
  39. What is the range of Long Integers In C Language?
  40. What is the range of Double In C Language?
  41. What is the range of unsigned Integers In C Language?
  42. What is the range of unsigned char In C Language?
  43. What is the range of long unsigned Integers In C Language?
  44. C do not have which operator
  45. What are the ternary operators of C Language?
  46. What are the conditional operators of C Language?
  47. What are the relational operators of C Language?
  48. Which symbol is used for Bitwise AND in C LANGUAGE?
  49. Which symbol is used for Bitwise OR in C LANGUAGE?
  50. Which symbol is used for Bitwise Complement in C LANGUAGE?
  51. Which escape sequence is used for newline in C LANGUAGE
  52. Which escape sequence is used for TAB Space in C LANGUAGE
  53. Which symbol is used as statement terminator in C LANGUAGE
  54. What is the incrementation operator of C LANGUAGE
  55. What is the Decrementation operator of C LANGUAGE
  56. Which pre-processor directive is used to add a file in C program
  57. Name any one conditional statements of C LANGUAGE?
  58. Name any two loops of C LANGUAGE?
  59. Write syntax of If Else?
  60. Write syntax of For Loop
  61. Write syntax of Do While Loop?
  62. Write syntax of While Loop ?
  63. Name entry control loop of C Language?
  64. Name exit control loop of C Language?
  65. What is the other name of Arrays
  66. Which keyword is used for arrays in C Language?
  67. Which symbol is used to represent arrays in C Language?
  68. How arrays are stored in memory in C Language?
  69. Which type of function call itself
  70. Name any two string functions of C Language?
  71. Name any one mathematical function of C Language?
  72. Name the function for square root of a number in C Language?
  73. What are the pointer operators of C Language?
  74. Which input statement is used to read a multi word input C Language?
  75. Which output statement is used to read a multi word Output In C Language?
  76. What is pointer arithmetic ?
  77. Who developed C language?
  78. Define Variable?
  79. How many keywords are there in C language?
  80. What is the other name of reserve words in C language?
  81. Which keyword is used to declare an integer variable in C language ?
  82. Which keyword is used to declare a real / float variable in C language ?
  83. Which keyword is used to declare a character variable in C language ?
  84. Which keyword is used to declare an unsigned integer variable in C language ?
  85. Which keyword is used to declare a long integer variable in C language ?
  86. Which keyword is used to declare a double data type variable in C language ?
  87. Which keyword is used to declare an unsigned character  variable in C language ?
  88. What is the format string for integer variable in C Language?
  89. What is the format string for real / float variable in C Language?
  90. What is the format string for character variable in C Language?
  91. What is the format string for unsigned integer variable in C Language?
  92. What is the format string for double type variable in C Language?
  93. What is the format string for unsigned variable in C Language?
  94. How many bytes an integer type variable  takes in memory in C Language ?
  95. How many bytes an unsigned integer type variable  takes in memory in C Language ?
  96. How many bytes a long integer type variable  takes in memory in C Language ?
  97. How many bytes a float type variable  takes in memory in C Language?
  98. How many bytes a double type variable  takes in memory in C Language ?
  99. How many bytes a character type variable  takes in memory in C Language ?
  100. Which keyword is used to declare structures in C Language ?
  101. Which keyword is used to declare union in C Language 

  • C Language Questions
  • C Language Questions For Interview
  • C Language Questions Asked In Interview
  • C Language Questions Pdf
  • C Language Questions With Answers
  • C Language Questions For Quiz
  • C Language Questions And Answers Objective
  • C Language Questions For Written Test
  • C Language Questions Asked In Tcs Interview
  • C Language Questions And Answers In Hindi
  • 101 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers in C language
  • c language tutorial for beginners

Data Manipulation Language Commands in Oracle

Data Manipulation Language commands in Oracle

Data Manipulation Language commands in Oracle includes insert, delete  and  update  commands.  We  will discuss all these Data Manipulation Language commands in Oracle in this section. We will discuss Data Manipulation Language commands in Oracle with some simple examples. Data Manipulation Language is a component of SQL  , we can perform various Data Manipulation Language  operations on database objects. In Data Manipulation Language component , we can insert records in the tables, we can delete records from database and we can update records of the tables. To insert new records or rows, Insert command can be used. For deletion of records from database tables, Delete command can be used. To update records of table, Update table command can be used.

How to insert records or rows in a table using SQL

Insert command

The insert command is used to insert records or rows in database table. Insert command is very simple in SQL, Insert keyword is used for inserting data in the database tables. Insert command of SQL inserts one record or row at a time.

The general syntax of insert command is as given below:
Insert into table name values( value1,value2,…);

Insert into employee values(‘E001’,’ADAM’, ‘SYDNEY’);

In response to the above insert command , sql will generate the  message “1 row(s) created”.

By this way you can insert as many records as you wish.

How to delete rows or records from a table in SQL

Delete Command
Delete Command is used to delete records from a database table, we can delete any number of records at a time in a single Delete Command. Delete Command of SQL uses Deletekeyword.

The general syntax of Delete Command is as given below
Delete table name [where condition];

Delete employee;
This will delete all the records from employee table.

We can delete particular rows or records  of a table.
Delete employee where ename=’Smith’;
This will delete record of Smith only.

We can use multiple conditions in Delete Command.
Suppose we want to delete records of all that employees whose city is Chandigarh and name is Smith.
The SQL delete statement will be like this:
Delete employee where ename=’Smith’ and ecity=’Chandigarh’;

How to Update records in SQL

Update Command

Update Command is used to update existing records or rows of a database table. Update Command is applied when some changes happens in records. Suppose in case of an employee if he changes his city ,then his record in database must be updated. Another example could be for annual increments in salaries of all the employees, we need update command.

The general syntax of Update Command is give below

Update table name set column name=new value;

Suppose you want to change present city of employee named Adam to Chandigarh
Update employee set ecity=’Chandigarh’ where ename=’Adam’;

You can also use arithmetic operators in update, like increment the salary of all the employees by 100.
The update statement will be like this:
Update employee set salary=salary+100;

These are the three basic data manipulation operations in SQL.