Top 50 C Programs Asked in Interviews

Top 50 C Programs Asked in Interviews 

 Objective of the post Top 50 C Programs Asked in Interviews is to provide beginners as well as professionals a ready reckoner of popular C programs. What are Top 50 C Programs Asked in InterviewsWe have tried to enlist here Top 50 C Programs Asked in Interviews.

  1. Write a program to print Hello message

  2. Write a program to swap two numbers

  3. Write a program to swap two numbers without using third variable

  4. Write a program to calculate area of a circle

  5. Write a program to convert Fahrenheit temperature into Celsius

  6. Write a program calculate simple interest

  7. Write a program to calculate perimeter of a circle 

  8. Write a program to fine greater out of two number

  9. Write a program to find a number is even or odd  

  10. Write a program to find a number is prime or not

  11. Write a program to find a number is Armstrong or not

  12. Write a program to print roots of a quadratic equation 

  13. Write a program to find greatest out of three numbers

  14. Write a program to print table of a number

  15. Write a program to calculate factorial of a number

  16. Write a program to print first ten natural numbers

  17. Write a program to print first five odd  numbers

  18. Write a program to print prime numbers between 100 and 200

  19. Write a program to print Fibonacci sequence of n terms

  20. Write a program to sum the digits of a number

  21. Write a program to print first and last digits of a number

  22. Write a program to read a one dimensional array of 10 elements and print it in reverse order

  23. Write a program to search an element in a list of elements using  sequential search

  24. Write a program to count the number of occurrences of a character in a string

  25. Write a program to check whether the entered string is palindrome or not

  26. Write a program to search an element in a list of elements using binary search

  27. Write a program to sort a list of elements using bubble sort in ascending order

  28. Write a program to sort a list of elements using insertion sort in ascending order

  29. Write a program to sort a list of elements using selection sort in ascending order

  30. Write a program to sort a list of elements using quick sort sort in ascending order

  31. Write a program to sort a list of elements using heap sort in ascending order

  32. Write a program to sort a list of elements using radix sort in ascending order

  33. Write a program to print a two dimensional array in matrix form

  34. Write a program to print transpose of a matrix.

  35. Write a program to count number of zero elements of a two dimensional array of order 3x3

  36. Write a program to check whether the given two dimensional array of order 3x3 is upper diagonal or not

  37. Write a program to check whether the given two dimensional array of order 3x3 is lower diagonal or not

  38. Write a program to find the trace of a two dimensional array of order 3x3

  39. Write a program to print address of an element stored in memory

  40. Write a program to calculate factorial of a number using functions

  41. Write a program to calculate factorial of a number using recursive functions

  42. Write a program to print table of a number using functions

  43. Write a program to read a file from hard disk.

  44. Write a program to write a string “hello world” to a file

  45. Write a program to generate pascal pyramid

  46. Write a program to generate floyd pyramid

  47. Write a program to print the sum of the series

            1 + 2+ 3 …n terms 
  48.   Write a program to print the sum of the series
           1 + 3+5  …n terms
  49.    Write a program to print the sum of the series
           2+ 4 + 6 …n terms
  50.    Write a program to print the sum of the series
            1 -2+ 3-4 …n terms

Top 50 C Programs Asked in Interviews