What do you mean by process?
Complete the abbreviation NFTS
Complete the abbreviations FAT
Define Access time
Define application software
Define assembler?
Define batch processing
Define buffering?
Define Cache Memory
Define compiler
Define dead locks
Define Device Drivers
Define different types of operating system
Define directories.How these can be managed in different operating systems?
Define Disk Organization?
Define FAT
Define Memory
Define Memory Compaction?
Define Middle term Schedular?
Define Multi Programming?
Define Multitasking
Define Operating System.
Define Paging
Define Scheduler
Define Scheduling
Define Segmentation
Define Serial Processing
Define Swapping?
Define System Software?
Define the Logical Record?
Define Throughput
Define access time?
Describe FCFS scheduling with example?
Describe Page Removal Algorithm.
Describe the implementation of segmentation with suitable example.
Device management
Difference between dedicated device and shared device?
Difference between preemptive and non preemptive scheduling? Or
Difference between sequential linked file and indexed file.
Difference between user- level thread and kernel-level thread
Difference between program controlled I/O and interrurpt driven I/O.
Discuss the concept of time sharing operating system?
Draw the diagram of process state for scheduling?
Explain any three external DOS commands?
Explain Difference types of Schedulers?
Explain the concept of segmentation with paging?
Explain the Job Scheduling by Explaining any one method?
Explain virtual memory
Explain about the scheduling algorithm?"
Explain any four functions performed by an O.S?
Explain different types of file system.
Explain different types of memory allocation?
Explain different types of memory allocation?
Explain different types of operating system?
Explain different types of scheduler?
Explain full form of USART?
Explain in brief about the features of windows operating system?
Explain Inter Record Gap(IRG)
Explain memory segmentation
Explain necessary and sufficient condition for deadlocks.
Explain paging , basic principle and how page in allocated in memory?
Explain process control block?
Explain Round Robin(RR) Scheduling.
Explain scheduling
Explain the concept of time sharing.
Explain the CPU with its functions?
Explain the Difference between internal and external fragmentation
Explain the Difference between preemptive and non preemptive scheduling
Explain the memory map tables?
Explain the necessary and sufficient conditions for occurrence of dead locks?
Explain the need of swapping
Explain the need of virtual memory
Explain the Purpose of create , open, close in the file system?
Explain the race condition in process synchronization?
Explain the role of compiler?
Explain the techniques for memory management?
Explain time sharing operating system
Explain various type of file system in detail.
Explain Virtual Memory?
Give the brief description of page removal algorithms?
Give the example of multi user operating system.
Give the examples of single user and multi user operating system?
give the name of four services provided by an operating system
Give two example of multi user operating system
Give two examples of storage devices?
How dead locking can be prevented and data recovery during dead locking
Name and Explain different loading schemes
Name different types of operating system?
What are different classes of I/O devices?
What are the advantages of using directories?
What are the function of operating system?
What are the various loading schemes ? Write in detail?
What are various loading schemes? Explain
What are virtual devices?
What do mean by process scheduling?
What do u understand by paged memory managements Explain.
What do you mean disk scheduling and disk fragmentation?
What do you mean by process?
What do you mean by scheduling ?
What do you understand by Paged memory management?
What do ypu mean by batch files?
What is a Job Scheduler by drawing a block diagram?
What is a semaphore?
What is advantages of multi programming?
What is an Absolute Loader
What is Booting?
What is buffering?
What is context switching?
What is deadlock
What is deadlocks characterization? How to prevent and avoid them?
What is Difference between dedicated and shared devices?
What is Fat?
What is file ? Explain fat.
What is fragmentation?
What is function of operating system?
What is internal fragmentation?
What is interrupt driven I/O
What is MS DOS
What is multiprocessing?
What is multitasking?
What is objective of cpu scheduling?
What is operating system ? Write function
What is page fault
What is partition table
What is physical address space?
What is process synchronization?
What is real time system
What is response time?
What is sector
What is segmentation?
What is spooling
What is swapping ?
What is system software? Discuss in detail how
What is the job of a linker?
What is the main function of device-drivers?
What is time quantum(time slice)?
What is turnaround time
Write a note on absolute loader.
Write down the characteristics of basic file system?
Write down the features of windows operating system?
Write main features of DOS
Difference between Interpreter and Assembler?
Write the functions of operating system?
Top 101 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers of Operating System for Freshers and Experienced