Top 101 Digital Electronics Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers
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Digital Electronics |
- Define OR gate?
- Draw truth table for two input AND gate?
- Define de-multiplexers?
- What are shift registers?
- What is ring counter?
- Define magnitude comparator?
- Define Priority encoder?
- Draw master slave J-k Flip flop and explain its operation?
- Draw the logic diagram of UP/DWON Asynchronous counter and explain its working?
- Explain the application of shift registers?
- Explain Binary to gray number conversion?
- Explain Gray to Binary number conversion?
- Explain why NAND gate is called as Universal logic gate?
- Explain the function of flip-flop?
- What is the key feature of excess-3 code?
- Express octal number in binary (7041)
- Draw half adder circuit and Explain its operation?
- Draw logic diagram of 4 inputs multiplexer and explain its working?
- Draw logic diagram of BCD to decimal decoder and Explain its operation?
- Draw logic diagram of decimal to BCD encoder and Explain its functions?
- Explain the operation of D-Flip flop using truth table and waveforms?
- What is binary Number system
- What is the application of seven segment Decoder Driver?
- What IC is commonly used for seven segment Decoder Driver and Decoder Counter?
- Draw the logic symbol and Truth Table for X-OR gate?
- What are Universal Gates?
- What is the difference between positive logic and Negative logic?
- Which number system is generally used for assembly language programming.
- What is the difference between Half Adder and Full adder.
- What is parity bit.
- Draw the diagram for 4-Bit Synchronous Binary Counter. Explain its working with the help of timing diagram.
- Draw the diagram for SR Flip-Flop . Explain its working with the help of Truth Table.
- Draw the diagram for Full-Adder. Explain its working. Draw the truth table.
- Explain why NAND and NOR gates are called Universal Gates.
- Implement OR and AND gates using NAND and NOR gates.
- What is the difference between combinational and sequential Circuit?
- Draw thw symbol for JK Flip-Flop and D- Flip-Flop
- Draw the logic symbol and T.T. for NAND gate?
- Draw the circuit diagram for HALF ADDER. Explain its working with the help of a truth table.
- What is multiplexer. Draw the logic diagram for 8:1 MUX .Explain its working.
- Draw the diagram for 7-segment Decoder Driver. Explain its working.
- Draw the logic diagram for decimal (0-9) to BCD decoder .Write its application.
- Draw the diagram for Master-Salve J-K Flip-Flop. Explain working with the help of truth table.
- Draw the diagram for Universal Shift Register. Explain its working.
- Define synchronous sequential circuit.
- The sum of binary number 1111 and 1001 is…..
- A….Flip-Flop uses both positive edge and negative edge of clock for data transfer.
- Give two applications of Flip-Flops.
- What is meant by modulus of a counter?
- What is buffer register.
- Differentiate between serial data and parallel data.
- Define accuracy of D/A converter.
- A D/A converters has a supply voltage of 15v.If the number of bits is 6,What voltage does 1 bit represent.
- Design a mode 8 synchronous counter and Explain its working.
- Draw a K-Map for the following functions of 4 variables and use it to reduce the function realize the reduce function by using Nand gates.
- F=sigma(1,3,7,11,15)+d(0,2,5)
- What is Master slave Flip-Flop.
- What is Seven segment display.
- What is Weighted resistor D/A converter
- Convert (10110110) binary to gray code.
- Convert (10111011) graycode to binary.
- Draw symbol of OR, NOT, AND,NAND,NOR and XOR gates.
- Explain full subtracter with neat diagram.
- Design a decoder for BCD to Decimal .
- Explain Ring counter.
- Draw logic diagram of 4 bit parallel in serial out register.
- Explain the operation of J-K Flip-Flop.
- Design a 6 4:1 MUX using 16:1 and 4:1 MUX
- What is parity ?
- Draw truth table of OR gate.
- What is digitization ?
- State Demorgan's first theorem.
- Define LATCH.
- What is Buffer ?
- Find 2's compliment of 11010101.
- What is meant by Positive Logic?
- What is PISO ?
- How many Flip Flops are required for a decade counter?
- What is difference between Asynchronous and Synchronous Counter
- Draw & Explain Asynchronous MOD-5 counter.
- What are application of Shift Registers? Explain SISO Register.
- Difference between Analog and Digital signals
- What is a Priority encoder
- What are error detection codes?
- What are universal gates? Why these are called as universal ?
- Add these two binary numbers 101010 & 110101.
- Draw truth table & schematic of half adder circuit & Explain.
- What is basic difference between a multiplexer & an encoder?
- Explain 4:1 multiplexer.
- Draw block schematic of 2 bit comparator circuit & Explain with the help of truth table.
- Using K-map simplify Y= sigma(0,2,3,5,7,11,13) and realize it using NAND gate only.
- What is Race-Around condition & how it is eliminated using JK Master Slave Flip-Flop
- What is A.L.U?
- Explain all modes of shift register & Draw PISO shift register.
- What is parity & how it is used in error detection code?
- Explain 4 bit parallel binary adder
- Draw a BCD to 7-segment decoder?
- What is function of stroke in multiplexer? Draw 4:1 multiplexer with truth table.
- What is difference between sequential & combinational circuits? Draw logic diagram of mode 7 counter.
- What is a flip flop? Show how D-flip flop is made by SR flip flop with truth table.
- calculate 2's complement of a decimal no. 16
- convert 110101 into decimal no.
- subtract 1011 from 1100
- Define latch
- What is excess-3 code?
- What are universal gates?
- What are combinational circuits?
- What is difference b/w positive and negative logic
- Simplify Y=AC-+ABC
- Explain all modes of shift register & Draw PISO shift register
- Minimize the following expression using K-map & realize using NAND gates only:
- f(A,B,C)=[m(0,2,3.5,6,7)
- Write short on full adder
- Write short on decade counter
- Write short on Magnitude comparator
- What is parity & how it is used in error code
- Define Demorgon’s theorems
- Draw truth table & symbol of Ex-or gate
- Convert (3ab)16 to decimal number?
- What are advantages &application of digital signals
- Explain 4-bit parallel binary adder
- Draw a bcd to 7-segment decoder
- What is function of stroke mux? Draw 4:1 mux with tt.
- What is diff. b/w sequential & combinational circuit ? Draw logic Diagram of mode-7 counter ?
- What is flip flop
- write 2's complement of Number :10011000
- which are the universal gates?
- Draw the symbol of EX-OR gate
- where the karnaugh map is used?
- Which Flip flop has race problem
- define nibble, byte
- Draw the symbol of 3 :1 multiplexer
- Define shift register
- How much flip flops are required to count 60
- Which gates are required to build an half adder?
- Explain the working and truth table of edge triggered SR flip-flop
- Explain serial in parallel out shift register
- What is a Full adder
- What is a MOD-8 counter
- What is a seven Segment display
- Difference between latch and flip flop
- Draw the circuit diagram of Binary to Grey encoder?
- Discuss the working of the buffer register
- Draw the symbol and truth table of NAND Gate and OR gate.
- Explain 16-Line multiplexer
- Simplify the expression using K-MAP and implement it by using NAND gates only
- f(ABCD)-sigma(m)(2,3,6,7,8,9,12,13)+sigma(d)(4,10,14)
- Implement all logic gates using NOR gates
- Draw logic symbol of Not Gate
- Convert (101101)2 into its decimal equivalent
- Give example of digital signal
- Define a flip flop
- What is logic gate
- Define a truth table
- What is sequential circuit
- Solve ABC(bar)+A(bar)BC+BC(bar)
- Define a Asynchronous counter
- Define about de morgon theorem
- Define shift register
- What is encoder circuit
- Write about AND and OR gate
- Explain operation of adder circuit to add 2 bit numbers
- Minimize Boolean expression using k-map : F(A,B,C,D)=SIGMA M (0,2,5,7,9,13,14,15)
- Describe the working of a decoder circuit with a login diagram
- Convert octal to binary number 742
- Convert Hexadecimal No. to Octal number B4C5
- Describe operation of a S.R. flip flop
- Describe working of serial in parallel out shift register
- Explain about operation of MOD-5 counter with os logic diagram
- Describe the operation of 8 input multiplexer with its logic diagram
- Explain the logic diagram of master slave flip flop and give its working
- Explain the working of Asynchronous Counter with its truth table
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